The Inspiration of a Dove Chocolate
Ah, February 14th the day where love is evident all around us!
In fact, every single store, from the groceries to the departments begin the magic of merchandising this uninhibited day of love shortly after Christmas. This is the day for sweet romance, for passionate kisses, and for, of course, the heavenly and delectable taste of chocolate! Who doesn’t, (men and women alike, be honest), look forward to that red, velvety box of beautifully decorated pieces of confection placed ‘just-so’ in each of their individualized mini paper cups? As the top is lifted, the perfection of this arrangement captivates us so much as one would hate to disrupt this allure! Yet, one gets over that feeling real quick, as the aroma of the cocoa goodness overcomes us, and we quickly grab one and take the first bite! Or, at least I do.
And what is the universal symbol for love and this wintery day in February? A day filled with fervent feelings that we allow to overcome us, and sweep us away like an ending in a Danielle Steel novel (or, so I’ve been told, I don’t do romance novels)?
Why, that symbol is the heart.
Yes, that bright red, (and often sometimes pink, white, trimmed with dainty, lacy edges, you get the idea), shape that is crested like two hills at the top and comes to one single point at the bottom. A structure that is included in almost every toddler shape-sorter toy. The very symbol that we used to carve into the big oak (or that wooden school desk) accompanied with our sweetheart’s, or perspective sweetheart’s, name.
The traditional heart shape that is depicted many times over is said to have derived from many different ideas. Some, including the seed of the silphium plant that was used in ancient times as a means for medicine and herbal birth control, to other interpretations, where it is said to resemble parts of the female anatomy, and the list goes on.
The heart is defined by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, as “a hollow muscular organ of vertebrate animals, that, by it’s rhythmic contraction, acts as a force pump maintaining the circulation of blood throughout the body.
The “rhythmic contraction” part of the definition reminds me of Poe’s “The Tell-tale Heart” (that’s more on my reading list than Danielle Steel). Truth is, the cute little shape we have become accustomed to, doesn’t necessarily correlate to what the heart, the real one, actually looks like or what it really is-which is, indeed, a life sustaining pump that works for each one of us, nonstop.
The first visual I get, (I am a visual person), when I think about the heart, the real one, is the scene from Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. You know, where the guy wearing that horned headpiece is performing some kind of sacrifice and he rips the guy’s heart out effortlessly with his bare hands, and lifts it up to show the crowd, all while it’s still beating? You remember that one? Yea, nothing like the cute shape your preschooler used to include on every picture before they could spell the word L-O-V-E, huh?
But, nonetheless, somewhere down the line, that upside down, pear shaped organ became glorified and associated with one of the most beautiful feelings we can experience. Not the brain, the liver, nor the kidney, but the heart- it was the winner.
Upon thinking about this blog and how I wanted to approach it, I got my answer from, none other than, a piece of dove chocolate.
“Share a secret” my wrapper read. So, after I thought about it for awhile, I decided “yes” that this would be a good and obvious place to start.
So, I decided to share my ‘secret’ today, February 14th, -the day of hearts, partly because, well, mine is broken.. or, so to speak.
I say that, not to introduce some kind of dramatic love story-gone-bad, and no, it’s not due to an emotional feeling I’m experiencing that was the result of a disappointment. I’m talking about my physical heart, the organ. Mine’s in need of some repair work, as in surgery.
Originally, I thought about starting this blog as a means of possibly networking with other heart surgery patients to share information and similar experiences. Don’t get me wrong, I realize there are worse things than having open heart surgery, but here to date, it’s looking like this will probably be a pretty major event for me.
I also, wanted my blog to serve as a place for encouragement. As I started thinking about it, we all need encouragement in whatever we are going through. So while yes, I will be sharing a lot about my upcoming “tune-up” and would of course welcome any, and all, insight regarding heart events you would like to share, I also wanted it to be a place where we can lift each other up, maybe even in prayer, because who couldn’t use a daily prayer or two, right? As my Mama always said, “Never underestimate the power of prayer!”
And also, writing keeps me sane, so who knows what else I might post on here? (that’s my disclaimer!)
The fact of the matter is that God has a beautiful plan for each one of our lives. The circumstances we all face, (whether it’s heart surgery, or anything else) they are all part of that perfect plan. I’m convinced that the people placed in our paths are there for a purpose, and part of that plan too. Why not lift each other up as we all attempt to navigate our way through this crazy world?
So, as my mom used to say, I invite you to “Come, sit, take your shoes off, and stay awhile!”
As I close this first blog entry, I encourage you to get on with the good stuff for your Valentine’s Day! I hope it’s filled with lots of love, maybe a fancy dinner, a sweet memory or two, and perhaps even a bit of chocolate! But mostly I hope that you treasure today, and every day you’ve been blessed with! Life’s short. Make the most of it!
Thanks for stopping by!
Until next time..,
24 thoughts on “The Inspiration of a Dove Chocolate”
I love your heart! I hope we have time to catch up soon. Nice start?
We’ll just have to make the time!!! It was good to see ya Sunday!!❤️
Perfect beginning of your heartfelt journey. I love you and know your heart will be fixed to perfection.
Thank you!! Love you too Sis!❤️
Oh Valerie, I know you can write as I loved your Tom-Tom book but you have certainly taken me by surprise with your news. I will be praying for you and your family during this journey and will be watching for updates. You are one of my special memories from the dance years and you are one very special lady.
Aww thank you Susan!! So glad for the dance years and friends like you!!
I’m excited to see what happens in the blog. My interest is definitely peaked from the introduction. Sounds like an interesting conversation to take part of in future posts. Also, I want to watch Indiana Jones now. Write more soon!
Aaron Archual. What can I say but I love you! lol
Get that ticker fixed!❤️?
Guess I gotta Granny Betty Lou….
Congrats on taking this step! Well done!
❤️ thanks friend!!! You are an inspiration to me! So glad we got to visit a few weeks ago!!!
I know you have been very private about this so I am glad the Doves chocolate gave you the courage to share!!! I am often inspired by their sayings… may find a few taped to my desk..lol. Much love and prayers from me to you!!!
Ain’t that the truth! More reasons to keep ’em stashed!?
Quite a beginning. Thank you for sharing. I have been thinking about you a lot since our brief conversation at church a few weeks ago. Love you.
Thanks so much Miss Joan!! Love you❤️
Enjoyed the read. You are a strong, special lady and I pray that things will go well for you.
Thanks so much Tammie! I truly appreciate it!
Sending love and healing from my heart to yours, dear Val! You are one of the strongest and most loving of women. Proud of you for starting this blog and for facing whatever comes next with courage and prayer!
Aww thank you Miss Dottie! I will have to be honest, your past mentoring has helped me in so many situations- this one included!!! I have my notebook wherever I go!!! ? (((hugs)))
This was awesome. Looking forward to more.
Thanks Rhonda❤️
My Goodness Valerie. I pray things go well for you. A very dear friend of mine had open heart surgery in 2015. You are surely an excellent writer.
Thank you Miss Lyn!❤️